Am 24. Mai, um 20:30h zeigt das Ciné Mayence in Kooperation mit dem IFEAS und dem Zentrum für Interkulturelle Studien (ZIS) der Universität Mainz den Film ‚Benvenuti’, der im vergangenen Jahr von der (ehemaligen) Mainzer Studentin Laura Auriole gemeinsam mit ihrer Kollegin Annalisa Lendaro produziert wurde.
Lampedusa is a 7.8 square-mile-rock and one of the European borders nowadays. It’s also a well known Italian island famous for being the destination of thousands of migrants who flee from wars and poverty, risking their lives when crossing the Mediterranean Sea. It’s a border for displaced people as well as a Paradise for tourists : with its glittering turquoise waters, its quietness and its enchanting scenery, this destination is in great demand by tourists. In between these two communities who seem unable to communicate, the life on this island has to cope with that contrast (and to keep on going.) As you can notice in the film, the inhabitants and the visitors give their view points, either revealing themselves or concealing their opinions from us. By different means, frankly speaking for the ones or using understatements for the others, they lead us to discover Lampedusa from the inside, throughout various points of view and numerous contrasts. It’s a mixing of “dolce vita” and traditional sea fishing versus dramatic shipwrecks and refugee camps. This is a trip amidst both a gorgeous and militarized island where tragic events have taken place so far.
Wir freuen uns über zahlreiche MitschauerInnen!
Heike Drotbohm
Prof. Dr. Heike Drotbohm
Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien (IfEAs)
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Forum 6
55099 Mainz
Tel 06131-3920796