In April 2023, the DAAD approved the project “International SDG network promoting higher education and research in Togo and Nigeria (TONI)” as part of the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Partnerships” programme with funding from the BMZ.
The project, which will run until the end of 2026, will strategically and substantively expand existing collaborations (MoUs) between Goethe University/ZIAF Frankfurt, the Université de Kara, UK, Kara (Togo) and the First Technological University, Tech-U, Ibadan (Nigeria) into an international North-South-South higher education network with a strong focus on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The interdisciplinary project goals are to further develop and strengthen existing Master’s programmes and those to be established in the future with regard to their SDG relevance. The intended networking aims at the regular and institutionalised exchange of students, workshops and excursions and the mutual participation and recognition of SDG-relevant courses at the participating partner universities. The project contributes to breaking down and reducing the language barrier between the Francophone and Anglophone worlds, which has so far inhibited exchange, as well as the different administrative requirements.
Further Informations: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Runge (