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Specialised Information Service for African Studies

Indigenous People of West Africa (DFG-IPWA)

Franco-German Doctoral Program:”Representing the ‘Other’: Museums, Universities, Ethnology”

DFG Priority Programme “Entangled Africa”
Open AfriColl GU

BMBF Research Project CEDITRAA – Cultural Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation in Africa and Asia

Field schools “Learning from the past to shape the future: Environmental change, health and ecosystem services of Lake Malawi”

Potentials of a collection: Reading traces, perceiving relationships and sharing

Police-translations – multilingualism and the everyday production of cultural difference

A Global History of Technology, 1850 – 2000

DFG project: Language use and linguistic variation in multilingual urban groups: A micro-perspective on professional networks in Ngaoundéré (northern Cameroon)

DFG-Research Training Group „Early Concepts of Men and Nature: Universal, Local, Borrowed“

DFG-Project „The Mammisi of Edfu: Inscriptions, decoration programme, architecture and theology of an Egyptian birth house of the Ptolemaic period“

DFG-Projekt „The ancient Egyptian necropolis of Asyut: documentation and interpretation”

DFG Project ‘Comparative verbal morphology of the Ometo languages in southwest Ethiopia’

ARS AfricaE – Adaptive Resilience in Southern African Ecosystems

DFG-Projekt ‘Indexing and Digitizing of the Archival Material on Ethiopian Studies of the Frobenius Institute’

Cultural & Museum Centre Karonga (CMCK)

Global Micro in the Making: The Marketization of Weather Index Insurance for Agriculture in Ghana & Kenya

ACTUS – Accelerating Transition in Peri-Urban Areas in East Africa

Translating the networked city: adaptation and creativity in urban infrastructures in Africa

Performing the nation and the role of subnational differences in African national days

DFG Project ‘Iron Age human subsistence, environment and climate in the Inner Congo Basin’

DFG Project ‘Basic Linguistic Research in Adamawa(-Gur) Languages of Northeast Nigeria’

DFG Project ‘Responses of Herbaceous Savanna Vegetation to Land Use and Habitat Conditions: Investigations along a Climatic Gradient in West Africa’

DFG Graduate Programme ‘Value and Equivalence’

Africa’s Asian Options (AFRASO)

Urban Infrastructures in Transition: The Case of African Cities

Significations of oil and social change in Niger and Chad. An anthropological cooperative research project on technologies and processes of creative adaptation in relation to African oil production

Albinism. Forms of Cultural Categorization and Their Social Consequences

The relationship of urbanism and trade to state power in the Segou region of Mali

Post-Doctoral Fellowship-Programm in Subsahara-Afrika der Volkswagen Stiftung